We are God's Works of Art

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tomatoes and God's Love

I painted this Lazy-Susan at a Delange Lange seminar a few years ago.

Tomatoes And God’s Love
“Oh taste and see that God is good.” Psalm 34:8a NKJV

     As I sit here with my fresh homegrown tomato and salt shaker, I think about how glad I am that God gave us the sense of taste. I read somewhere that we have about 10,000 taste buds and right now I think everyone of mine are jumping up and down in anticipation of this first wonderful bite of my big juicy Mister Stripy tomato.

     Have you ever thanked God for your taste buds? I know I haven’t. I seldom think about them unless I have a cold, then I’m complaining that nothing taste right. Why did God give us taste buds in the first place? He didn’t have to give us such a delightful gift. Other than to tell us that our food is spoiled, and we can usually tell by looking or sniffing, why do we have them? I think taste buds are just one of those wonderful little gifts that God designed in us just because he loves us.

     Just thinking about how wonderfully and fearfully we are made, each of us with our own genetic code and billions of cells and chromosomes, its mind boggling. You would think that God had enough to do without taking the time to giving us the sense of taste. Why should he care if we can’t tell the difference between asparagus and chocolate ice cream?

     Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against asparagus, I’m just happy that we have a variety of good tasting foods. A slice of ice cold watermelon on a hot summer day, or a nice hot pot of chili when fresh snow is falling, is a special delight. God could have left off our sense of taste and then everything would have tasted the same, or not tasted at all. I think I might be skinner if that were the case, but I’m so-o-o glad God designed us with all of our five senses.

     God’s love is so amazing. He cares for us in so many ways, most of which go unnoticed. Well, I for one am very glad he has given me the wonderful gift of taste. I hear more tomatoes calling my name out in the garden. I think I’ll go taste and see that the Lord is very good indeed!

Paint each day with God's love,

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that this article was my first challenge piece for Faith Writers. We were to write about "Taste", above is my humble offering. I'll be posting some more of my challenge pieces on this blog, I hope you enjoy them.

    Write each day with God's love,
