We are God's Works of Art

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How We Should Live pt.3

How We Should Live
Pt. 3

     Have you ever done something that has hurt someone you love? Have you ever spoken harshly in anger and as soon as the words were out of your mouth, you wish you could take them back? We’ve all been guilty of hurting someone in this manner.

     Ephesians 4:30 reminds us to live our lives in such a way that we will not grieve the Holy Spirit. 30-" And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own,[b] guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption."  Have you ever thought about how your speech or actions hurt God? To be truthful I had never given it much thought in relation to my day to day living.

     There have been times in my life when I’ve really messed up big time. I’ve since repented and ask God’s forgiveness of my sins. Not only has he forgiven them, but he has forgotten them. I use the general phrase, ”forgive me of my sins” in my prayers each day but I’ve rarely given those sins much thought. The phrase was just a blanket to cover things I never really repented of or thought about. Not only did those sins grieve the Holy Spirit, but I’m sure my lackadaisical attitude hurt him even more.

     Verse 30 tells us to live our lives in such a way the world will know we are a Christian. Being human we are still going to sin from time to time, but we should be so in tune with God that the sin we’ve committed should prick our heart. Right then and there, at the time we commit the sin, we should repent and ask for forgiveness of the sin. If you’re like me, there are so many ‘little things’ we do to grieve the Spirit each day we don’t even notice them.

     A harsh answer, letting our thoughts dwell on something we should not be thinking about, gossiping or telling a little white lie are just a few of the ways we bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit. I think this article was written just for me because this morning I was trying to figure how to deal with a situation that has recently come up in my life. The plan I came up with was not one God would be proud of, while writing this piece my conscious was pricked and I had to stop and ask forgiveness. I also asked for strength to live my live in such a way there would be no doubt that I’m a child of God.

     We are told to get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, and all types of evil behavior. We should live our day to day lives in a way that is pleasing to him. 31-" Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32- Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you".

     We’re to forgive others just as God has forgiven us. Wow, that’s a powerful statement. God has forgiven me of so much, it would take a book to list all those many grievances. He expects me to forgive others who have hurt me and be kind and compassionate toward everyone. That’s a pretty tall order, to love the unlovable and forgive those who have hurt us. But if we are truly his child, we should reflect his image so that the world can see Jesus in us.

     Dear sweet forgiving Father,  Please help me to reflect you in all I do and say.  Forgive me for all the sins I've committd and never gave a second thought.  Fill me with your loving spirit so that I may never grieve your Holy Spirit again.  Fill me with your love and compassion for others and help me to forgive them as you forgave me.  Let everyone know that I am your child by my words and deeds.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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